Kane Consulting and Commercial Real Estate

South Bay Real Estate

A Message from Kane Consulting Regarding the Corona Virus

We recognize that the developments of the Corona Virus continue to challenge all of us with a myriad of questions and restrictions imposed for the interest of public safety.  Through this time of uncertainty, we wanted to send our wishes for good health and safety to all of our clients, friends and family members.  Kane Consultants work at their home offices a large part of the time or at clients’ offices for physical re-locations or projects.  For real estate, we are happy to continue to assist you as your timing requires in finding new locations or renewing existing leases.  We will continue to use the utmost cleanliness guidelines.

The Kane Consulting Team

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Kane Consulting once again proved that we perform to full potential, and are thankful for clients putting their trust in us.   Kane Consulting received a note of appreciation from LightWerks Communications after we were instrumental in the move of their Warehouse:

“Thank you for a flawless move!  We were thrilled that things moved so swiftly!  You certainly have an impressive operation and team.  We remain grateful for your support.” 

—Gina Riberi, President, LightWerks Communications

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Happy Retirement…Passing the Torch to the Next Generation!

Marie Cohen, with Ventura Foods, will be retiring soon and passing the torch. Congratulations to Marie for her successful career and wishing her an abundance of adventures as she enters this next phase in life! A celebratory luncheon was held for Marie, attended by her successor, and members of the Kane Team at the Cedar Creek Inn restaurant.  The Kane Team wishes Marie all the best!

Happy Retirement…Passing the Torch to the Next Generation! Read More »

Presentation Time!

Our very own Senior Move Consultant, Kim Ward, gave a presentation at the USC Ellison Institute on February 12th.  Kim specializes in Move Planning and Corporate Relocations. She went on to showcase Kane Consulting’s services: coordinating outside vendors, interface with building management, and hour-by-hour move schedule + more.  Thank you, Kim, for representing Kane Consulting in such an immaculate way!

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Class is in Session!

A special thanks to Daniel Feiman, Author, Consultant, Training Specialist, and Managing Director at Build It Backwards.  Daniel came out to the Kane Office and shared his insight and expertise on how to take Kane Consulting to a whole new level. From networking, active listening, and understanding our audience to prioritizing and the logistics of goal setting. Thank you Daniel!

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“If I have it, I will give it”

Kane Consulting and Kane Commercial Real Estate made a generous $6,000 donation to Harbor Interfaith Services over the holidays this last year.  The mission of Harbor Interfaith Services is to empower the homeless and working poor to achieve self-sufficiency by providing support services including shelter, transitional housing, food, job placement, advocacy, childcare, education and life-skills training.


“If I have it, I will give it” Read More »

Efficiency is key! Big Move Fast Approaching

With only a few weeks away from a big move, move meetings are essential in keeping everyone on the same page, clearing task lists, getting calendars synced, etc. In our last 2019 face to face with five Greenberg Glusker team members, this Kane dynamic duo headed into the meeting on a mission and left feeling accomplished.

Kane received a pretty great note from our client after the meeting, “You kept us on task today.  Your participation pivotal.  Thank you!” – Greenberg Glusker

Efficiency is key! Big Move Fast Approaching Read More »

Kane Monthly Staff Meeting

Yep, there was cake…bundt cake! We forecasted the next few months while celebrating Donna’s birthday.  Doordash delivered PF Chang’s (compliments of Barbara).  We caught up, planned, laughed and ate; not bad for a staff meeting, eh? Cheers to a VERY busy start of 2020!

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LACMA Dream Team

There’s no better compliment in the business world than when a client expresses gratitude.  We received wonderful feedback from Cristina at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art: “I am grateful for the adept direction and management that Kim is providing to the Museum and the guidance she gives to me–always with such graceful care. Wishing you and all at Kane Consulting a happy holiday season.”

A common goal with determination, a no-nonsense senior move manager and a driven client results in a successful relocation! These lovely women are all about getting the job done right. 

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