Kane Consulting and Commercial Real Estate


Office Assistance in Santa Rosa

Kane Consulting has successfully completed work for longtime client Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, this time at the firm’s Santa Rosa location. The Kane Team managed minor remodeling work in the office, helped to spec furniture for the space, and oversaw the installation of a new reception area workspace and conference room chairs. Kane thanks the Kennedy/Jenks teams for their continued confidence in our work and for allowing us to assist with real estate deals and management projects around the country!

IMG_9967 (002) IMG_9966 (002) KJC Conference Chairs (002)

Office Assistance in Santa Rosa Read More »

IFMA FMCC Meeting – April 3, 2013











The Facilities Management Consultant Council of IFMA (FMCC) had its largest meeting all year at the President’s home – Barbara Jo Kane – Stokes in Redondo Beach, California.  The meeting/party happened during IFMA’s Facility Fusion event at LA Live – JW Marriott this week of April.  The FMCC is one of 17 Councils that IFMA – International Facilities Management Association has that focuses on a core group of Facility Managers.  The FMCC is focused on Facility Managers in their own businesses.  This can be anything from architects, contractors, project managers, move managers, building engineers, real estate brokers, planners, etc.  Anything to do with commercial buildings – these folks help take care of or support commercial properties.   Pictured here are consultants from around the world including “Germany, Mumbi, Phoenix, Washington DC, St. Louis, Nigeria, Seattle, just to mention a few.


Check out the IFMA website at www.ifma.org or the Council website at www.ifma-fmcc.org for more information.  Come join the fun!

IFMA FMCC Meeting – April 3, 2013 Read More »