Out of the Box Service

Kane Consulting and Commercial Real Estate understands the intricacies of executive office relocation planning in California & Nationwide. Recognizing the importance of your time, we present a suite of consulting services that elevate the efficiency of your relocation or real estate endeavors.

With our deep expertise in facilities management and the corporate realm, we are equipped to craft the ideal workplace setting that allows your business to thrive. Align your company’s future with an environment that breeds success.

Let’s start thinking outside the box

Some of our

Services Include:

  • Feng Shui your space for optimum success and collaboration. Placement of furniture, equipment, art and colors in your space can affect how your space flows or doesn’t flow for your work environment/business.

  • What do the numbers of your building, street, suite add up to energetically?

  • Based on the timing of your lease, purchase or sale – how does astrology and the location of planets at any given time affect your “real estate deal” or “move in date”?

  • Barbara has created “Daily Energy Awareness” Cards to make you aware of the current energy of your business/staff/you for that day. Pick a card for the day of an important meeting to see what “energies” are surrounding you and how you might “tap” into these energies to have a more successful meeting or business trip.

  • Daily Energy Cards now available at:

Call us for more information and Step Out of the Box!

(310) 892-3989