Kane Consulting and Commercial Real Estate


Fun with Furniture Installations!

Last week Kane Consulting’s Lauren Richeson was in Schaumburg, IL (Chicago) coordinating the installation of furniture for Kennedy/Jenks Consultants’ newly expanded office. The furniture installation team (Installation Specialists, Inc.), GC (Robert Borg Construction), cabling vendor (IMG Technologies),  and electrician (Preferred Electric) were all instrumental in completing the install. A special thanks to the team at John Hancock Real Estate (Megan Toledo, Mayna Imperatrice, Brent Jacob, Cheryl Scott, Dan Shapiro and Deborah Hill) for making the acquisition and transition into the new space a breeze. Last but not least, thank you to the team at Kennedy/Jenks Consultants for their patience throughout the process. We hope they enjoy their new space for many years to come.

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Fun with Furniture Installations! Read More »

Good times, Great Food, and the USC Marching Band!

Lauren Richeson represented Kane Consulting at Haworth’s Grand Opening event on June 25, 2015 at their new showroom in the Citigroup Center in downtown LA. Wonderful views from the 48th floor, delicious food and drink, and a terrific new space awaited the attendees. The USC Marching band brought a bit of fun to the affair with a march through the space for the opening ceremony. Pictured is Lauren (far right) with Yvonne VanRennesse (far left) and Rachel Estavillo (2nd right) both from American Honda Motor Company and Paula Dill (2nd left) from IOS (Interior Office Solutions).

Haworth Grand Opening 6-25-2015

Good times, Great Food, and the USC Marching Band! Read More »