Kane Consulting and Commercial Real Estate

LightWerks Moves Up Relocation Date due to COVID-19

At Kane, we love to plan plan plan! Given our Nation’s current uncertain environment, Kane’s client, LightWerks, was due to move on March 31, 2020.  However, as COVID 19 increased in stricter government stay at home guidelines and more Californians being at greater risk, LightWerks requested we possibly reschedule the move to sooner, 3/24 and we did!  Due to willing movers, copy vendor, building access we got it all done – rescheduled in less than 3 days!  This enabled Lightwerks could get out of their building in El Segundo and move into their new Carson office.  #quickaction#willlingmovepartners. A big shout out and thanks to WeWork, Crown Moving and Royal Office (Ricoh) – for jumping through hoops to get this done!  And to all the Lightwerks staffed who jumped up to help and physically get the move completed! 


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